Writing the business plan for Phygment Studio .... again. I have revisited this practice two or three times in the past five years. I always seem to stop at the same point: somewhere around the theme, "how exactly are you going to do all this Jane?!"
I am mainly using Jennifer Lee's Right-Brain Business Plan books as well as her video conferences . The link to her very helpful website is here: Right-Brain Business Plan
One of the things Jennifer has her readers contemplate is our values and how these might be reflected in our business practices.
a few pages from my Right Brain Business Plan book - showing cards illustrating my business values
One of the things Jennifer has her readers contemplate is our values and how these might be reflected in our business practices. Here are some of my top values I hope to uphold through my business vision:
- "Life is precious and time is finite." This comes from the experience of having too many significant losses in my life. It can be a good thing to be grateful for the time we have or it can sometimes feel like a curse. I rarely let myself just relax without having a specific intention behind it. As far as my business goals are related to this mind set: I never want to feel like I am wasting my gifts, my time or my purpose in this life. I also think that this mind set is behind my motivation to make commission projects ones that will have lasting and impactful meaning to generations to come.
- Authenticity: The work I make and the teachings I share should come from a place of clear-eyed legitimacy. That might mean that I may have to tell an art director, "that's not in my wheel house" or "I will not copy another artist's style".
- Awareness: Create work that encourages a slowing down of the viewer's experience to gain a deeper experience with the work. Develop layers of experience in the work. Through my teaching and guidance I will support a deeper understanding of the individual's creative voice.
I hope to continue to share some of the insights I gain through this process - keep me honest and poke me if I don't...because that might mean I've hit that road block again (or maybe saw something pretty and wanted to paint it instead of doing this work).