Following my compass

It’s easy to keep track of art by what art is NOT. It’s not following a manual, reading a Dummies book, looking for a map. It tends to be people who are working with a compass instead who have an understanding of true North and are willing to solve a problem in an interesting way. - Seth Godin

I love the radio program On Being with Krista Tippett  and I was up early this morning to hear this personally auspicious interview. Seth Godin has been dancing around the periphery of my conciosuness as someone I was going to get to reading, listening to, etc... This morning was my day to hear his message and it could not have been at a more important time. I am the student who is ready for this teacher.  

Although I have had the experience of going with my gut, pushing something out into the world or into a relationship, not knowing what the outcome will be and not letting that stop me many times, I still needed to hear his message today. I once had a friend who told me she admired my ability to "push the boat out", to take a chance that I would be rejected or taken advantage of for my vulnerability. I wasn't sure that was a strength. Maybe it's fool-hardy? Maybe it's childish? Or maybe that makes me an artist. Every artist has his/her audience that will meet them half way and gain joy, wisdom and or food for thought from their voice. But we can't find our audience if we stay in our dark, safe corners. We have to put it out there, knowing that some will wrinkle their noses and keep walking. It's the ones that stop and pause long enough to say, "tell me more" that we make our art for. It's connection, even on small scales, that lead to an eventual wider audience and help us find our tribe. 

To everyone who came to my website or is reading  my blog because something about what I am doing resonates with you - thank you! You are my tribe and I am yours. Tell me more. 

Here is the link to this interview between Krista Tippett and Seth Godin: 


"Kerinci Tapir" 30" x 30" Acrylic, gouache, tissue paper, vintage papers, graphite and hand embroidery on tissue paper on wood panel. $1600.00